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Geemarc telephones with hearing amplifier

Listening and understanding on the phone at your personal volume.

With the »Geemarc comfort telephones« portfolio, HUMANTECHNIK offers a comprehensive range of telephones that have been specially developed for people with impaired hearing. They therefore combine contemporary convenience with intelligent audiological technology that effectively supports speech comprehension in particular.

With the Geemarc AMPLIDECT 595 range, the programme includes both corded and cordless models with a base station and handset as well as an emergency call function. The Geemarc CL range includes SIM card phones with an emergency call function. In addition to the two 4G mobile phone models CL8000 and CL8700, the CL9000 model is a stationary SIM card phone with an SOS emergency call bracelet.

The high quality of these comfort phones is also appreciated by people with normal hearing - especially in situations where understanding the other party is only possible to a limited extent. This also includes phone calls in a noisy environment.

Please note: The telephones "Scalla SOS", "freeTEL eco" and "freeTEL III" are sold out and have been taken out of the product range (20th September 2022).


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