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Enjoy the sound of your favourite TV program close to your ear – in your preferred volume and without a compromise.

We offer you that significant extra when it comes to savouring sound: Humantechnik provides a well-assorted range of TV/Audio listening systems, which sport strong sound amplification and excellent sound quality. For every hearing preference we have the matching audiologic technology - as stand-alone devices or in conjunction with your hearing aid.

»earis® premium« – aesthetics, ease of use and the highest sound quality combined in a single TV listening system

»dynamic sound HS«: hear how you want to hear: The main feature that elevates ‘earis® premium’ to the top model in the premium class across the market has been integrated by Humantechnik under the name ‘dynamic sound HS’. This provides five sound patterns that represent different listening preferences. The user selects their personal ‘feel-good sound’ at the touch of a button.

»earis® premium« und »earis® XS«


»sonumaxx 2.4« ...

... hear your TV and your conversation partner – both with a single device.

The new 2.4 GHz system »sonumaxx 2.4« is characterized by very clear TV sound reproduction in a high quality. Furthermore, the user can change from receiving the TV sound to communicating with present people at the push of a button. »sonumaxx 2.4« will then receive and amplify the sound of its surroundings and will support, for example, a conversation. »sonumaxx 2.4« systems are available with underchin receivers or pocket receivers (supplied with a neck loop for inductive listening). And last but not least: They offer excellent value for money.


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