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Bluetooth® headset CM_BT2

More convenience than ever – for mobile telephony, for example.

Just leave your mobile phone in your pocket or handbag! With the touch of a button on the CM_BT2, you can answer any incoming call. You hear the caller’s voice directly in your hearing aid or via the earphones and speak into the microphone of your CM_BT2, which transmits what you say directly to your phone. Equipped with Bluetooth® version 5, certain controls can be also be imposed on the source device.

Our updated Bluetooth® headset, the CM_BT2, has been specially developed for people with impaired hearing.

What is Bluetooth®[open][close] 

»Bluetooth®« is an internationally standardized data interface for radio applications over short distances. Many manufacturers of consumer electronics, communications technology and computers now offer products equipped with Bluetooth® interfaces. Special transceivers pick up their audio radio signals and reproduce the sound via the corresponding audio outputs.

Bluetooth® technology is most common today in combination with the hands-free operation of mobile telephones.

What are the further uses for the CM_BT2? [open][close] 

The CM_BT2: Updated Bluetooth® technology (Version 5) plus intelligent audiologic technology for relaxed hearing and excellent understanding.

Transmit the audio of your music or videos you may watch online from your PC* to your ear. Have your navigation system speak the route directly into your hearing aid. Enjoy even greater convenience and understand everything better on your mobile telephone-
The CM_BT2 is your wireless audio connection to many Bluetooth®-enabled devices.

* Your computer may have to be equipped with a Bluetooth® interface first. Computer shops offer USB-Bluetooth® transmitters.

Specifications [open][close] 

Dimensions (HxWxD): 79 x 48 x 19 mm
Colour: black / blue
Weightt: approx. 49 g
Sound level for headphone operation: max. 118 dB
Power supply: 3,7 V Lithium-Polymer rechargeable battery, stand-by up to 120 hours.
Included: Bluetooth®-headset with neckloop, battery, power supply unit, USB-charging cable
Connectors: 3.5 mm jack socket for headphones

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Bluetooth®-Headset, CM-BT2 (A-4548-0)

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