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»pro:ton SP-100«, a portable cordless voice amplifier system that gives your word more power.

»pro:ton SP-100« lets you be heard – indoors or outdoors

  • 2.4 GHz transmission
  • 3 device types to cover all aplications
  • Easy to use
  • Effective in portable and stationary applications as a moderating-, soundfield-, tour guiding- or addressing system. Can also be used in cases of health issues, where impaired power of speech causes communicative problems.

»pro:ton SP-100«, the portable wireless loudspeaker system, needs for its smallest configuration at least one transmitter and one receiver (loudspeaker receiver). The transmission range of the 2.4 GHz system is, depending on the environment, approximately 60 - 70 metres in the open and in buildings, if no walls are in the way.

The 3 main components can be recharged by USB:

The scope of delivery includes all basic accessories needed for instant use. The Humantechnik team will gladly inform you about further accessories.

Application examples. »pro:ton SP-100« is a versatile as you need it

Example 1: pro:ton SP-100 as a soundfield-system in schools or meetings

When every word counts, like in educational institutions, tutorial- or conference areas, »pro:ton SP-100«  will carry your voice up to the last row of seats.

  • Significantly enhanced intelligibility, even in unquiet surroundings
  • Adjustment of volume according to the current acoustic situation
  • Versatile configurations by the unlimited amount of connectable loudspeakers
  • Use of up to two microphone transmitters per group

Example 2: pro:ton SP-100 as a »digital megaphone« for tour guides

Whereever you lead your visitors - in the openlandscape, in parcs, zoos, urban areas with traffic noise or industrial zones with their different sound levels: Acoustically, you will always be close to your audience.

  • Transmitter and receivers are portable, easy to carry with a shoulder strap and as loud as you need them 
  • Accompany your performance by playing in MP3 files from your smart phone - a clear gain in information and entertainment

Example 3 of many: pro:ton SP-100 as an addressing system

Deliver your information directly to where it should be heard, even out of eyesight - for example within tourist groups in train compartments, to people and groups in mixed locations in sports areas, holiday camps, business- or production facilities.

  • Transmission range of up to 70 metres
  • Space-saving positioning of the wireless loudspeakers in any needed amount

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