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Vibrating contraption

  • Sturdy construction,will awake you even from deepest sleep
  • For direct connection to all HUMANTECHNIK alarm clocks*
  • Strong mounting with 8 fixation struts, fits any wooden lattice or spring frame, can be laid under topper mattresses of boxspring beds
  • When the waking call is due, strong vibrations are transmitted directly to the bedframe

* No switch module is needed.

Version A: for direct connection to all Humantechnik alarm clocks

Version B: for use with timer switches and smarthome power outlets

Thermal security: After ½ hour of uninterrupted running the device will enter a phase in which it will alternatingly vibrate for a ½ second and pause for 2 seconds. This phase ends after 1 hour, after which the device wil switch itself off and a reset is needed.

Resetting: With the alarm clock version, only a new impulse from the alarm clock is needed. The directly powered version needs to be separated from the power outlet for at least 10 seconds.

Specifications [open][close] 

Size of housing: 165 mm long, 52 mm high, 74 mm wide
Length with fixation arms: 435 mm
Weight with fixation arms: 1380 g
Length of power cable: 160 cm
Length of alarm clock connecting cable: 190 cm (A-3310-0 only)
Power supply unit: 100 – 240 V AC / 12 V DC, 1 A

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Vibrating contraption Model A, for Humantechnik alarm clocks (A-3310-0)
Vibrating contraption Model B, for timed power outlets (A-3311-0)

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