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RF alarm monitor »Alarmo«

»alarmo« has been conceived to enable the easy incorporation of already existing smoke detectors into the RF lisa-signalling system, without need for modification or wiring.

»alarmo« scans environmental noises in proximity for sound patterns typical of smoke detectors and fire alarm systems of any type.
False alarms, possibly caused by alarm sounds not actually within in the room (e. g. passing emergency vehicles, TV and movie sound effects) are prevented by means of intelligent analysis and filtering of the registered sound.

If an alarm sound is identified as such, »alarmo« transmits a radio signal to all RF lisa receivers within range, which will indicate the incident with light, vibration or sound - depending on the type of receiver


Dimensions (HxWxD): 65x93x150 mm
Colour: metallic silver
Weight: 220 g
Power supply: 12 V-power supply unit on 230 V, 50 Hz
2 hours of power cut backup by 9V rechargeable battery
lisa RF Alarmo
Vibration contraption
Vibrating pad (batteries included)
Flash modulel MF-1
Acoustic module MA-1
Rechargeable battery

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