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The »signolux« sound monitor reports individually 'learnt' signals.

The sound monitor is able to "learn", store and recognize three electronic sounds. Reading in the sounds and noises is conveniently and easily done with three buttons on the top of the transmitter housing. A prerequisite for recognition is that the signals do not deviate from the form once read in, i.e. they can be exactly repeated. 

The sound monitor sends the respective messages to the active »signolux« receivers, and these reproduce them as light or vibration sequences as well as signal source display. The replacement of once saved sounds by others is possible at any time.  

This enables the owners of the wireless »signolux« alerting system to extend the variety of recognized acoustic signals by three individually defined sources - for example individual timer, telephone or mobile phone tones as well washing dryers and alarms from sensors, for example CO detectors.

Please note that the identified tones will only be displayed with one icon on the respective receivers.

»signolux«-Sound monitor
»signolux«-Sound monitor, white

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