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Induction loop amplifier LA-240

Designed for use at home and in smaller conference rooms

This inductive loop amplifier, developed and produced by our British affiliate SARABEC, can be connected directly to any audio source, TV or HiFi system. The LA-240 is the up-to-date successor of the popular "LA-215" and features a coaxial and optical (TOSlink) socket, which allows you to digitally connect it to any modern LCD or plasma television set.
Various inputs can be transmitted simultaneously within the loop, the 4 input channels can be selected comfortably via the channel buttons on the front of the amplifier. Due to the external power supply, the LA-240 can also be used with electric currents of 12 V to 24 V which enables it to be used in vehicles, like coaches and busses.

A 40 m cable is fed from the amplifier and back to it again, forming the »loop«. Signals from it can be picked up by hearing aids with an integrated telephone coil (set the hearing aid to »T« or »MT«).

The loop signal is amplified by turning the volume control until you are comfortable with the volume. Thanks to the AUTOMATIC GAIN CONTROL, the volume can be kept constant despite fluctuations.

  • Modern design
  • Coverage area up to 70 m²
  • Automatic Gain Control
  • Supplied with extensive accessories

Specifications [open][close] 

Dimensions (HxWxD): 42 x 180 x 140 mm
Weight: 905 g
Colour: metallic silver
Power supply: Power supply unit 230 V AC 50-60 Hz / 18 V DC 1,5 A
Indicators: Volume dial position, tone dial position, loop level
Package includes: LA-240 with power supply unit, TOSlink-lead, 40 m loop cable and cable fixings, SCART/ RCA-cable, pedestal for vertical positioning

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Induction loop amplifier LA-240 (A-4221-0)
Spare mircophone for LA-240 (A-4901-0)

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