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Portable induction loop system »LA-90«

The LA-90, a compact portable inductive loop system, is ready for use as soon as you switch it on. There is no need for any additional installation.

Positioned between the people holding the conversation, the LA-90 picks up sound via an integrated microphone or an external microphone and transforms it into inductive signals which are emitted by the inbuilt induction loop. These inductive signals can be picked up by hearing aids equipped with a telephone coil (set your hearing aid to »T« or »MT«).

The LA-90 can be powered either via the plug-in power supply unit or by the internal battery (both included).

Specifications [open][close] 

Dimensions (HxWxD): 200 x 185 x 70 mm
Weight: 650 g
Microphone sensitivity: up to 60 dB ± 3 dB
Power supply, primary: Power supply unit 100-240 V, 50-60 Hz AC
Power supply, secondary: 16 V DC or by internal rechargeable battery 12 V 1300 mAH
Output power: max. 10 W
Power supply connection lead: 1,8 m

Inductive loop system for counters »LA-90 SET«

The LA-90 SET is not only intended as a fixed installation at sales counters but can also be used as a temporary utility, which is - if needed - quickly set up and stored away again. It is ideal for discreet consultations and provides a valueable service not only for people with impaired hearing, as the included handset will act like a telephone between the speaker and the listener.

The set contains all you need for a professional application: The »LA-90«, a handset, a special handset holder insert and a tabletop microphone.

Specifications [open][close] 

Dimensions (HxWxD): 200 x 185 x 70 mm
Weight: 720 g
Microphone sensitivity: up to 60 dB ± 3 dB
Power supply, primary: Power supply unit 100-240 V, 50-60 Hz AC
Power supply, secondary: 16 V DC or by internal rechargeable battery 12 V 1300 mAH
Output power: max. 10 W
Power supply connection lead: 1,8 m
Included accessories: table-top microphone, handset, handset support insert, connection leads

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Portable induction loop system LA-90 (A-4209-0)
Induction loop system for counters LA-90 SET (A-4211-0)
Cable microphone, 4m , 3.5 mm mono-jack (A-4901-0)
S/PDIF-BOX Digital-to-Analogue audio converter (A-4963-0)

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